Government and Public Sector Use Case

Human Services Delivery & Case Management

Better Case Management for Better Outcomes

Human service delivery agencies can use Zebra’s mobile field-based computing solutions to improve caseworker productivity, eliminate duplication of cross–agency efforts, and improve both the timeliness and quality of interactions, as well as the quality and availability of the data collected. With Zebra’s mobile case management and human service technology capabilities, social and child protective service workers, home health aides and others who deliver government services to at-risk individuals can access historical data, upload real-time data, maintain confidentiality, gather proof of visitation, share data with other agencies, collect evidence, log calls, and more. Our mobile computing solutions are HIPAA and PCI compliant, with encryption for data in motion and data at rest. Remote management by centralized IT support allows devices to be tracked and locked or erased if necessary to prevent unauthorized use.

Deliver Better Human Services

Quickly and securely upload and access data from the field with rugged enterprise devices, enabling a more comprehensive and timely case picture.

Improve Caseworker Productivity

Mobile solutions allow for increased accuracy and faster delivery of human services while limiting costly and inefficient duplication of effort.

Transmit Data Securely

Meet HIPAA and PCI requirements with data encryption and remote device tracking, locking and erasure if necessary.

Build Your End-to-End Solution



Mobility DNA

Experience a new breed of mobility with intelligence that gives Zebra mobile computers distinct enterprise traits.

Lifeguard Android Icon
LifeGuard™ for Android™

LifeGuard™ for Android™ is Zebra’s software security solution that extends the lifecycle of enterprise mobile computers.

Part of the Mobility DNA Suite
Mobility Extensions (Mx)

With Mobility Extensions (Mx), you get robust security, enterprise data capture support and business-class Wi-Fi connections for your Android devices.

Service and Maintenance

Zebra OneCare™ Maintenance Plans

Protect your business-critical devices and eliminate disruptions and unplanned repair expenses. You'll get device uptime, confidence, and savings with Zebra OneCare™.